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eslint no-underscore-dangle: 0

var debug = require('debug')('twiser-streaming');
var _ = require('lodash');

var Tweet = require('./tweet');


When you ask to stream tweets from specific URL, new tab is opened with this URL. Every 15 seconds Stream Cycle is run to iterate over all streaming tabs, and fetch all tweets from these. Then check if particular tweet is likely new, and call streaming callback with this tweet. Important - there is no guarantee you will particular tweet only once, so if you code requeres never to process same tweet again, you need to implement some sort of storage of seen tweets in your code.

module.exports = {
    currentStreams: {},
    streamingInterval: false,


This method allows to stream tweets from streamable pages. Streamable pages include: logged in home page, Discover page and Search results page.

Currently only callback can be specified in options:

  client.stream('https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=js&src=typd', {
    cb: function(tweet) { // This callback will be called with new tweet

Here is example of tweet object:

        "id_str": "567646576014008320",
        "id": "567646576014008320",
        "created_at": "2015-02-17T11:27:44.000Z",
        "text": "Java vs. Node.js: An epic battle for developer mind share http://ift.tt/1Az9Z4l  ===== http://androidanalytic.com ",
        "html": "Java vs. Node.<strong>js</strong>: An epic battle for developer mind share <a href=\"http://t.co/6eLpH0178e\" rel=\"nofollow\" dir=\"ltr\" data-expanded-url=\"http://ift.tt/1Az9Z4l\" class=\"twitter-timeline-link\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"http://ift.tt/1Az9Z4l\"><span class=\"tco-ellipsis\"></span><span class=\"invisible\">http://</span><span class=\"js-display-url\">ift.tt/1Az9Z4l</span><span class=\"invisible\"></span><span class=\"tco-ellipsis\"><span class=\"invisible\">&#xA0;</span></span></a> ===== <a href=\"http://t.co/tOpip4QwzM\" rel=\"nofollow\" dir=\"ltr\" data-expanded-url=\"http://androidanalytic.com\" class=\"twitter-timeline-link\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"http://androidanalytic.com\"><span class=\"tco-ellipsis\"></span><span class=\"invisible\">http://</span><span class=\"js-display-url\">androidanalytic.com</span><span class=\"invisible\"></span><span class=\"tco-ellipsis\"><span class=\"invisible\">&#xA0;</span></span></a>",
        "retweeted": false,
        "is_reply": false,
        "user_mentions": [""],
        "user": {
            "id_str": "2780229181",
            "id": "2780229181",
            "name": "Android Analytics",
            "screen_name": "AndroidAnalytic",
            "lang": "en"
    stream: function(url, options) {
        debug('Streaming %s', url);

        var client = this;
        var id = url;

        if (url === '#direct') {
            url = 'https://twitter.com/direct_messages/';

        if (! options) {
            options = {};

We always require cb

        if (! options.cb) {
            options.cb = function(tweet, stream) {
                console.log('Tweet: %j. Stream: %s', tweet, stream.url);

If streaming record with this URL already exists, just add additional callback into cb array

        if (this.currentStreams[ id ]) {
            debug('Stream for %s already exists. Adding callback.');
            this.currentStreams[ id ].cb.push( options.cb );
            return this;

        this.api.newWindowWithId(url, id, '', function(err, res) {
            if (err || !res) {

            var windowHandleId = res.value;

            debug("Opened new window %s for url %s", windowHandleId, url);

Before streaming from this page, remove current tweets from it, so only new ones are streamed.

            if (options.onlyNew) {
                    .execute('if (window.$) $("li.stream-item").remove();');

            var cb = options.cb;
            delete options.cb;

            var stream = _.extend({
                id  : windowHandleId,
                cb  : [ cb ],
                url : url
            }, options);

            client.currentStreams[ id ] = stream;


Stream Direct Messages

Special case of streaming.

    streamDirectMessages: function(options) {
        return this.stream('#direct', options);

This function used internally.

This function run on each streaming cycle. Scans all streaming tabs, and runs callback for each new-ish tweet.

    _streamCycle: function() {
        var client = this;

        Object.keys(this.currentStreams).forEach(function(id) {
            var stream = this.currentStreams[id];
            var url = stream.url;

            var api = this.api
                .call(function() {
                    debug('Checking window %s for url %s', stream.id, url);

            if (id === '#direct') {
                console.log('No direct messages streaming yet.');
            else {
                api.getTweets(function(err, tweets) {
                    if (err) {

                    debug('found %d tweets', tweets.length);

                    tweets.reverse().forEach(function(item) {
                        var tweet = new Tweet(item);
                        stream.cb.forEach(function(cb) {
                            cb.call(client, tweet, stream);
                .execute('if (window.$) $("li.stream-item").remove();');


Stops streaming for particular URL. It will find tab where this URL is opened, close this tab and also remove reference to it from array of URL to scan on each Stream Cycle.

    stopStreaming: function(url) {
        var stream = this.currentStreams[url];

        if (! stream) {
            debug('Stream for ' + url + ' is not present.');

        debug('Stopping stream for url %s', url);

                .window(); // Close window

        delete this.currentStreams[url];

        if (Object.keys(this.currentStreams).length < 1) {


This will iterate over all URLs and stop streaming for each one.

    stopStreamingAll: function() {
        Object.keys( this.currentStreams ).forEach(function(url) {


Pause streaming

If you need to react on tweet, update account or do something else, you need to pause streaming. Calling .pauseStream will switch focus to main tab, so no streaming tabs affected.

    pauseStream: function() {
        if (this.streamingInterval) {
            debug('Pausing streaming');
            this.streamingInterval = clearInterval(this.streamingInterval);

Resume streaming

Once you are ready to continue streaming (finished replying to a tweet for example), call .resumeStream().

    resumeStream: function() {
        if (! this.streamingInterval) {
            debug('Resuming streaming.');
            this.streamingInterval = setInterval(this._streamCycle.bind(this), 15000);

generated Mon Apr 27 2015 23:34:55 GMT-0500 (CDT)